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Working Bees

Working bees are held each month the Saturday before our competition.

All members over 18 years of age are required to complete a minimum 8 hours (we would love to see you more than 8 hours) of working bee activities during the membership year (1st April to 31st March).

Holster Qualification Courses

See the booking page for dates.

The course starts at 10am, you will need a holster and magazine holders to suit the gun you will be using. The cost is $40 plus ammunition.

Handgun Safety Courses

The Handgun Safety Course is composed of two parts (theory and practical). The theory is completed first, with the practical part being done after lunch. The cost of the course is $60 and includes the ammo you will need to complete the practical exercises.

You must be a member of Calibre Sports Inc. to attend the safety course. We do not offer this course to members of the public or members of other clubs.

Bookings are essential and can be made 2 weeks before the course date. Visit the bookings page to book.